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FIT Kit Example

How Can the Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) Help in Colorectal Cancer Screening?

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The Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT) is a non-invasive screening tool used to detect hidden blood in stool, a potential indicator of colorectal cancer. What sets FIT apart from other tests?

Unlike some other stool tests, FIT does not require dietary restrictions or medication changes before taking the test. You may also use a clean disposable container, such as a paper plate, for sample collection. Should you have questions regarding the FIT process, assistance is available at 1-844…

FIT Kit Example

For residents of New Brunswick or Ontario seeking to access the FIT, one can initiate the process by discussing it with a family doctor or nurse practitioner. Those without a primary care provider can request a FIT by reaching out to Health811. Additionally, certain regions such as the North West or Hamilton area offer the FIT through a mobile screening coach, and those living on a First Nation reserve have specific access points as well.

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Ordering a Free FIT Kit is a proactive step towards early detection of colorectal cancer. Available for individuals aged 50 to 74 at average risk, the FIT is an important component of regular cancer screening routines.

Remember, early detection through regular screening like the FIT can significantly increase the chances of successful treatment for colorectal cancer.

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